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Tag.Referense игнорировать ошибку

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 25, 2019 3:44 am
Добрый день.
Когда пытаюсь присвоить свойству тега Referense ссылку, с которой в данный момент нету связи, то это не работает и выдает такой лог: A write to InTouch was skipped with a value of '---' because the data quality was bad or initializing.
Как я могу присвоить ссылку вне зависимости от качества тега ?

Re: Tag.Referense игнорировать ошибку

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн сен 02, 2019 1:45 pm
Генератор зла
.Reference Dotfield
You can implement Dynamic Reference Addressing by assigning a valid reference to the .Reference dotfield of an I/O tag. You can use the .Reference dotfield to dynamically change the data source by modifying the characteristics of the Access Name assigned to the I/O tag.

The syntax of the .Reference dotfield is:

Changes the Access Name and item assigned to a tag.

Changes the item assigned to an I/O tag.

Changes the Access Name of an I/O tag.

Deactivates the I/O tag.

Each I/O type tag has a .ReferenceComplete dotfield. The value of this discrete dotfield indicates if the item requested in the .Reference dotfield is reflected in the .Value dotfield.

The .ReferenceComplete field is set to false (0) when the application starts in WindowViewer. When it is confirmed that the .Value dotfield is being updated by the source specified in the .Reference dotfield, the .ReferenceComplete value is set to true (1). If the .Reference dotfield is changed, the .ReferenceComplete dotfield is automatically set to false (0), and then updated to true (1) when the new value is updated.

См. также:
IOSetItem() Function
IOSetAccessName() Function
IOSetRemoteReferences() Function